how PreSearch makes your marketing more effective.

what it does.

PreSearch identifies the topics, issues and motivations which drive consumer behaviour in your market.

Insights that you can use to make your marketing more effective.

Whether it’s for top-of-funnel brand advertising. Or bottom-of-funnel Search campaigns.

In short, you get more bang for your marketing buck.

amplify your advertising’s impact.

Consumers buy on emotion. tells you what these emotions are.

Our clients are incorporating these insights into their digital marketing.

Displayed here are sample results from one recent campaign.

Needless to say, they’re pleased with these results.

create content that counts.

  • strengthen your SEO content: Clients use PreSearch to identify the topics their market cares most about. Which means their SEO content is more effective. Yours will be too.

  • unearth inspirational content: Presearch gives you a feed of the most influential content in your category. Giving you insights and inspiration for your marketing.

  • identify the media that matters: Google rewards with relevance. Your SEO performance gets a boost when you get backlinks from the most relevant sites, blogs and forums. PreSearch identifies the most influential ones for you.

and there’s more…

  • nimbler than traditional market research: you’ll get an analysis in days not weeks.

  • more comprehensive than social listening tools: find out how the market feels, beyond the social media bubbles.

  • emotional context that augments search volumetric data: Because volume doesn’t mean value.

  • click here: to see more projects.